Number of seedlings you'll donate in $

Number of Volunteers You'll Support

Humanitarian Aid

  • Select Option

  • Medicines

  • Medical Aid

  • Psychological support

  • Volunteering

    • Select Option

    • Medicines 2

    • Medical Aid 4

    • Psychological support 1

    • Volunteering 4

Type of payment

  • Select Option

  • Credit card

  • Bank Transfer

  • Donation by hand

  • Paypal

    • Select Option

    • Credit card 5

    • Bank Transfer 1

    • Donation by hand 4

    • Paypal 6

Recurring payment



Number of people you want to help

$ 0


Calculation of the donation

We have provided this tool for you to calculate how much you would like to give. We generously appreciate whatever you are able to give.

If you would like to receive further information on how to donate, please contact our Lusaka office on +260 976 502 2166

Would you like to join us at one of our next events? Contact us on

We work with farmers all across Zambia. Our work is directed from our offices in Lusaka. Please check this website for the next scheduled event in your area.

Each donation is an essential help which improves everyone's life

Donate Now !


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Support Us

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